Hire Surface Preparation Equipment
Preparing your surface correctly is critical prior to coating with epoxy resin. Any subsequent coating is always only as good as the surface underneath therefore ensuring correct preparation is carried out is essential. Resincoat have teamed up with WH Surface Preparation UK to offer customers access to a wide range of equipment needed to correctly prepare the floor.
WH Preparation have the products and experience to suit your business and budget. For indoor and outdoor surface preparation they have a vast range of product available for hire at fair prices. Their technical team are available to offer help & advice on their extensive range ensuring you find the most suitable equipment for your flooring project.
They have 4 depots; Newport, Midlands, Manchester & Milton Keynes covering UK wide.
Get 20% Discount on Equipment Hire
Resincoat have teamed up with WH Surface Preparation to give all Resincoat customers 20% OFF all equipment hires!
To claim the discount simply visit:
1. www.wh-surfacepreparation.co.uk
2. Quote "Resincoat" to an agent